

 The light wind chased a poor little feather through an empty field, lifting the smell of grass still wet from the morning dew. It seemed a calm, sunny day, just slightly windy if it wasn't for the two furry figures facing each other. A white fox stood with his paws in the pockets of his shorts which were the only piece of clothing on him. His eyes were slightly closed as he watched his opponent, a masked black cat, wearing loose pants and holding a sharp sword in his bandage-wrapped paws.



Heavy drops fell on the window, as the cold wind tried to lift the wet leaves off the ground. It was already a late evening and the lights in the hospital were being turned off one by one. All except for one room, where she was by his bed all this time. Tears fell down on his bedside, like the drops of rain fell on the pavement outside.



- I don't want our child to start like this...
- So you want me to quit everything I already achieved?
- I'll go alone then...
- I won't let you. Fine, I'll go with you, but I'll return here
- Thank you...